May 03, 2017 to August 25, 2017

SFAC @ C+M: Sugar Circus

The SFAC Galleries is pleased to present this two-person exhibition in partnership with Creativity Explored with support from Patina Restaurant Group and C+M (Coffee and Milk) War Memorial.

Sugar Circus features works by Creativity Explored artists Camille Holvoet and Yukari Sakura. Creativity Explored gives artists with developmental disabilities the means to create and share their work with the community, celebrating the power of art to change lives.

Camille Holvoet is a San Francisco native and joined the Creativity Explored studio in 2001. Deceptively sweet like her work, Holvoet’s practice tends to draw on remembrances of life’s anxieties and forbidden desires. Holvoet’s process is an endless discovery, in which – through repeatedly drawing her sacred objects: dessert, Ferris Wheels, and crossed eyes – the pressures of the past are relieved by the joy of the creative process. Holvoet’s artwork has been exhibited both nationally and internationally. In 2014, Holvoet was the focus of a solo exhibition at Creativity Explored titled A Particularly Picky Perfect Goddess: Camille Shelley Holvoet. Her work was featured in several prominent exhibitions including Outside In: The Art of Inclusion, at the Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, Ireland, in 2013, The Museum of Everything: Exhibition #4, Selfridges, London, United Kingdom, Faces at the Jack Fischer Gallery, San Francisco, CA, in 2011, and New Media Sex and Culture in the 21st Century, at the Detroit Museum of Art, Rochester, MI, in 2010. Holvoet's work is included in the permanent collection of Le MADmusée, Liège, Belgium.

Yakuri Sakura works with great focus on what she calls her “very own stories,” gathering inspiration from mythological tales, animated films, and video games. Sakura works primarily with watercolor, colored pencils, and paint, rendering graphic illustrations of her characters with vibrantly colored accessories. In a new body of work, Sakura pays homage to heroes, daily life, and historical events. What, upon first glance, looks like two delicious cakes actually depicts the World Trade Center Twin Towers made in dedication to 9/11, The World Trade Center Ice Cream Cake, 2015, acrylic on paper, 9 x 12 inches. In Nash's Number-by-number Feast Meal, 2015, acrylic on paper, 9 x 12 inches, Yukari painted a TV dinner shaped like a mathematical equation made in honor of American mathematician John Nash. Also, Sakura paints vibrant and colorful portraits of prominent cultural icons like Princess Diana, historical figures like Martin Luther King, Jr., or the infamous unsolved murder victim, Jon Benét Patricia Ramsey.

Top Image credit: Left: Camille Holvoet, Untitled, 2016. Right: Yukari Sakura, Gene Wilder, 2017.

Click on the image below to scroll through artworks in the show.

C+M: Sugar Circus

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