2024 SFAC Grantees

San Francisco Arts Commission awards $11.3 million to 159 arts nonprofits and individual artists for grants beginning fiscal year 2024. 

This investment in San Francisco's arts ecosystem supports 76 San Francisco-based individual artists and 83 local arts nonprofits, all of whom affirm the Arts Commission’s commitment to Racial and Cultural Equity and enables artists to be at the forefront of the City’s resilience and recovery efforts.

An additional $3.7 million in funding support was also awarded to the 7 cultural centers.

"The depth of SFAC’s support cannot be overstated– the vision of each grant project, the level of support, the multi-year grants– all contribute to real and equitable organizational building and project development, giving San Franciscans–from babies to seniors– access to a host of incredible arts opportunities."- Emily Klion, Executive Director, San Francisco Youth Theatre (2024 Arts Impact Endowment grantee)


2022 SFA Grantee David James, MRN1 Performance,  September 22, 2023, Photo by Mary Goree.

Dream Keeper Initiative (DKI)

FY24 Dream Keeper Initiative (DKI) grantees were selected through a competitive RFP process with an application deadline of August 21, 2023 for one grant category with three grant subcategories. Virtual review panels took place over four days in October 2023 with nine peer panelists serving the process of reviewing 73 applications. SFAC awarded $3.10 million to 34 individual artists and arts organizations. The majority of projects began January 1, 2024.

Arts Impact Endowment Project-Based Initiative (AIE)
FY24 Arts Impact Endowment Project-Based (AIE) grantees were selected through a competitive RFP process with an application deadline in fall 2023 for one grant category with four grant subcategories. Virtual review panels took place over six days in February 2024 with 17 peer panelists serving the process of reviewing 88 applications.  SFAC awarded $3.089 million to 36 individual artists and arts organizations. The majority of projects will begin on July 1, 2024.

Cultural Equity Grants (CEG)
FY24 Cultural Equity Grants (CEG) grantees were selected through a competitive RFP process with application deadlines beginning in fall 2023 for three different grant categories (Artistic Legacy Grant, Cultural Equity Initiatives, and San Francisco Artist Grant). Virtual review panels took place over fifteen days from January to April 2024 with 41 peer panelists serving the process of reviewing 279 applications. SFAC awarded $5.10 million 89 individual artists and arts organizations. The majority of projects will begin on July 1, 2024.

FY24 Grantees - All 
View a pdf listing all the grantees in these categories: Dream Keeper Initiative, Arts Impact Endowment, and Cultural Equity Grants.

To view the grantee list for specific grant categories click on the links below. 

2022 SFA Grantee Sean Dorsey. Sean Dorsey's Lost Art of Dreaming. October 17, 2022.
Photo by Lydia Daniller.

FY24 Dream Keeper Initiative (DKI) Grantees 

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2021 Arts Impact Endowment grantee Bayview Hunters Point Center for Arts & Technology.
Interns Alyssa Urroz, Erica Lee, Daejona Walker. November 9, 2021. Photo by Fischer Wong.

FY24 Arts Impact Endowment (AIE) Project-Based Initiative Grantees 

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2021 CEI grantee Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers. October 1, 2022.
Photo by Bruce Ghent.

FY24 Cultural Equity Grants (CEG) Grantees 

What's Coming Up

Public Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting

December 19
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Community Investments Committee Meeting

December 18
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Visual Arts Committee Meeting

March 19
2:00 PM to 4:15 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online
Public Meeting

Civic Design Review Committee Meeting

March 17
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online