Public Art Proposal Display

Art Proposals for the 49 South Van Ness Prefunction Gallery Wall Public Art Project

The San Francisco Arts Commission is conducting a selection process to choose artwork prefunction gallery wall in the entry lobby of the new City building to be located at 49 South Van Ness. The new City building will be a 16-story tower on 11th Street between Market and Mission Streets housing the City’s permit center, building inspection, and offices of the Planning Department and Public Works. The artwork is intended to create a sense of place, as well as delight and visual engagement for the building’s users. Four artists were chosen as finalists by a Public Art Selection Panel to create site-specific proposals for this artwork opportunity: Hughen/Starkweather, David Maisel, and Meghann Riepenhoff.






The Hub


HughenStarkweather49SVN.jpgTitle: The Hub

Hub (noun) - The effective center of an activity, region or network.

The Hub, the historical name for the area surrounding Market Street and Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco, was once a bustling neighborhood where multiple streetcar lines converged, headed downtown or outbound to residential neighborhoods. This center of transportation activity brought many small businesses and a surrounding residential population which peaked in the 1930s. The neighborhood name faded from public memory as the tracks were removed and public transport shifted from rail to bus. The revitalization of this area and its name -- the Hub -- will reinvigorate the neighborhood and surrounding communities. The new 49 South Van Ness building will house several city offices including the Department of Public Works, the Planning Department, and the Department of Building Inspection, creating a centralized location of municipal activity.

Hughen/Starkweather propose to create an artwork in which past and future narratives of this area converge, reflecting the history of the neighborhood as a transportation hub and the future of the area as a focal point of civic activity. The multi-paneled artwork will span the length of a 13’ x 41’ wall located in the 49 South Van Ness building. The artwork is inspired by historical and contemporary maps of the area; the active intersection of Market Street and Van Ness Avenue; and the idea of a hub as the literal center of a wheel rotating on an axel.  The density of marks and repetition of patterns represent the layers of past and future of this area and the energy and vitality of this neighborhood.   

View a larger image of the proposal. 

Prismatic View

David Maisel

Maisel 49SVN Proposal Display Board.jpgEach of the fifteen panels of Prismatic View offers a unique aerial view of the city of San Francisco and environs, photographed by David specifically for this commission, rendered in reversed tonalities of black and white, which may also be subtly imbued with color in the fabrication process. The tonally reversed rendering encourages a reading of Prismatic View as a series of x-rays, blueprints, or cartographic maps of the city that reveal its inner workings and structure. The photographs are composed looking straight or obliquely downward, from varying elevations and perspectives, and with multiple vanishing points across the series of pictures. The images depict the urban fabric of San Francisco neighborhoods as well as the infrastructure of bridges, freeways, streets, parks, and open spaces that support and feed them. Together, the images and their interlocking gridded arrangement comprise a prismatic view of the city, and echo the form of neighborhoods and communities that comprise the city. The fifteen panels suggest a city with multiple points of entry, containing a multiplicity of lived experiences. The artwork reflects the function of the building as a site of collaboration between the city and its citizens, as well as the civic aspects of the Forum as a public gathering space that leads directly to the permanent site of the commissioned artwork. 

View a larger image of the proposal. 

Sea + Sky

Meghann Riepenhoff

Presentation Board V2_sm.jpgI propose a mural entitled Sea + Sky for the 49 South Van Ness Pre-Function Gallery Wall. The piece is an approximately 11 by 37 foot triptych; the three elements are visually connected, and the negative space between and around the panels frames and anchors the piece on the wall. Sea + Sky integrates into the surrounding architecture, and with the Sze sculpture, balancing prominent geometry with organic forms.

As people seek permits and residents move through the bustling city center, I want them to be met with a visual respite. While many aspects of city living include anticipation, planning, and structure, I want to contrast that experience and provide a place to ruminate on unbuilt world, wonder, and curiosity.

The source imagery is derived from cyanotypes that I make in the ocean, where ocean waves, sediment, wind, and other elements from nature physically inscribe into photo chemistry. The shape of the waves, the movement of water pulling sand along a shoreline, and the energy of the natural world are embedded in the detailed, textural imagery. Sea + Sky resembles cresting waves, a mountainous horizon line, or an aerial view of a shoreline, where wildness and natural cycles point to geologic time and forces much larger than ourselves.

I will begin by making several to-scale cyanotype prints along the coast of the San Francisco Bay and surrounding beaches. I will select the most compelling for high resolution capture and reproduction via Dye Sublimation on aluminum. My proposal images are stand-ins for the site-specific cyanotypes I will make; they illustrate the palette and form that can be expected.

Referencing the Northern California landscape where the site-specific source images will be made, the palette includes a range of blues seen in the sky and sea, with subtle warm tone details seen in the mineral-rich seaside cliffs, and neutral tones seen in sand, fog, and sea foam. 

View a larger image of the proposal. 

Opportunity For Public Comment

Please take a few minutes to review these artwork proposals and provide feedback on the public comment forms below. Public comments will be considered by the Selection Panel as part of the Final Selection Panel meeting where the Panel will recommend one proposal for implementation. Please note that public comments do not constitute a vote.

The Final Selection Panel meeting will take place Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 9 a.m.–2:30 p.m. at 401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 302. All Artist Selection Panel meetings are open to the public. An agenda for the meeting will be posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting on SFAC’s website under the Public Meeting section:

The proposals are available online at, in the Public Art Proposal Display section. Comments may be emailed to, or hand delivered/mailed to 401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 325 by Monday, September 10, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.

What's Coming Up

Public Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting

December 19
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Full Arts Commission Meeting

February 03
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online
Public Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting

March 26
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Full Arts Commission Meeting

February 03
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online