Special Project Grants | (SPX) Grant Guidelines

FOR PROJECTS JANUARY 1, 2023 - DECEMBER 31, 2024, or as indicated. 

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 12 p.m.

REvised: Annual operating Revenue on page 5 (9/19/2022)


For any questions about Special Project Grants, please contact Community Investments Director, Denise Pate at denise.pate@sfgov.org or 415-252-2222.


A translation of this grant application is available upon request; however, only applications in English will be accepted. For more information, please contact 311.


Ang pagsasalin sa Tagalog ng aplikasyon para sa pagkalooban na ito ay makukuha kung hihingilin. Ngunit ang aplikasyon sa Ingles lamang ang aming tatanggapin. Para sa tulong, maaring i-contact si Sandra Panopio, 415-252-2217 o sandra.panopio@sfgov.org.




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Important Dates
Information about Special Project Grants
How To Apply
Panel Evaluation & Scoring Criteria

Information about Special Project Grants (SPX)

Important Dates

Applications Due September 28, 2022 at 12 p.m.
Panel Review October 3-5, 2022
Funding Recommendations October 18, 2022
Commission Approval November 7, 2022
Grant Period Begins January 1, 2023

About the Special Project Grants (SPX)

The Special Project Grants (SPX) program consists of one-time grants to address emerging needs within the arts ecosystem of San Francisco. Projects cover a wide range of arts activities related to neighborhood and/or community-based engagement and arts access. The San Francisco Arts Commission (SFAC) has allocated resources to make grants in multiple program areas based on supervisorial districts and/or specific communities. 

Applicants may only apply for funding specific to those geographic areas or communities outlined within these guidelines. For questions about this grant category, please contact Community Investments Director, Denise Pate at denise.pate@sfgov.org or 415-252-2222.

Land Acknowledgement

The San Francisco Arts Commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone. We affirm the sovereign rights of their community as First Peoples and are committed to supporting the traditional and contemporary evolution of the American Indian community and uplifting contemporary indigenous voices and culture. https://www.sfartscommission.org/content/land-acknowledgement

Racial Equity Statement

The San Francisco Arts Commission (SFAC) is committed to creating a city where all artists and cultural workers have the freedom, resources and platform to share their stories, art and culture and where race does not predetermine one’s success in life. We also acknowledge that we occupy traditional and unceded Ohlone land. Fueled by these beliefs, we commit to addressing the systemic inequities within our agency, the City and County of San Francisco and the broader arts and culture sector. This work requires that we focus on race as we confront inequities of the past, reveal inequities of the present and develop effective strategies to move all of us towards an equitable future.

Priority funding goes to artists that are deeply rooted in and reflective of communities listed in the Arts Commission’s 1993 Cultural Equity Endowment Legislation and informed by current best practices in racial equity. These communities include:  African and African American; Latinx; Asian and Asian American; Arab; Native American; Pacific Islander; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer; Transgender and Gender Variant People; People with Disabilities; and Women. (SF ADMIN. CODE CHAPTER 68: CULTURAL EQUITY ENDOWMENT FUND. Sec. 68.6. PROJECT GRANTS).

If you are a part of a community not listed that you feel should be included, we encourage applicants to articulate and provide supporting evidence regarding the historical and current inequities experienced by your community. 

Maximum Grant Request Amount

Special Project Grants vary project to project and the award amounts in this cycle range from $15,000 to $400,000 based on current budget availability. Should additional City funding become available, grant amounts could be increased. Please refer to each category and project description for the eligible request amount. 

Grant Term
A grant funded pursuant to these guidelines will have a grant term of up to one or two years. The City at its sole, absolute discretion shall have the option to extend the term for additional years as determined by the Arts Commission.

The SFAC reserves the right to: reissue these guidelines and request for applications; reject any or all applications; prior to application deadline, modify all or any portion of the selection procedures, including deadlines for accepting responses, the specifications or requirements for any services to be provided under this Solicitation or the requirements for content or format of the applications.

How to Apply

APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT: https://sfac.tfaforms.net/171

Applications must be submitted online. Emailed or faxed applications are not accepted.

In fairness to others, we cannot accept late or incomplete applications. If the applicant does not provide the complete set of information in the appropriate format by the deadline, the application may be deemed incomplete and ineligible. No deadline extensions will be granted.

NEW: If you need special accommodations, you must contact Community Investments Director Denise Pate at denise.pate@sfgov.org or 415-252-2222 at least one week before the application deadline in order for us to appropriately accommodate.


  • The applicant organization must be tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). 

  • NEW: All applicant organizations must be in good standing with the California Franchise Tax Board. To check or update your status visit: 

  • The applicant organization or fiscal sponsor must be San Francisco-based.

  • NEW: The organization (and its fiscal sponsor, if applicable) must demonstrate a San Francisco corporate address and must articulate a consistent programmatic history and public benefit to the City of San Francisco, its neighborhoods, and communities over the last two years (since November 2020). Documentation demonstrating San Francisco Corporate Address must be submitted with the application. For a complete list of acceptable forms of proof of corporate address, please see the SPX application instructions.

  • The applicant organization must demonstrate a history of consistent programmatic history and public benefit to the City of San Francisco, its neighborhoods, and communities over the last two years.

  • The applicant organization’s mission statement must be clearly focused on the development, production, presentation and/or support arts activities and/or youth arts activities in San Francisco. 

  • The applicant organization cannot be part of another City agency or department

  • The organization's annual operating revenue must not exceed $3,500,000.

  • Applicants must not be in default on any grants or loans from: (1) SFAC; (2) other City departments (including, without limitation, the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development and Grants for the Arts); (3) Northern California Grantmakers Arts Loan Fund; (4) Community Vision Capital and Consulting; and/or (6) the Center for Cultural Innovation. This default clause was expanded due to the fact that SFAC has fiduciary relationships with these particular organizations, through either shared City resources or other pooled philanthropic funds.

  • The proposed project must take place in San Francisco between January 31, 2023, and December 31, 2024, or as indicated in the specific grant category.

  • The organization must be willing and able to meet the requirements associated with receiving funds from the City and County of San Francisco. In order to receive a grant payment from the San Francisco Arts Commission, the organization must become a registered, compliant supplier and meet the City of San Francisco's insurance and business tax requirements. For more information about supplier requirements, visit: https://sfcitypartner.sfgov.org/pages/become-a-supplier.aspx 

    Please note: you will only be required to register as a City Supplier if you are approved for funding.

  • An organization awarded a grant pursuant to this application must agree to comply with the requirements of the 38th Supplement to Mayoral Proclamation Declaring the Existence of a Local Emergency ("Emergency Declaration"), dated February 25, 2020, and the Contractor Vaccination Policy for City Contractors issued by the City Administrator (Contractor Vaccination Policy"), as those documents may be amended from time to time. A copy of the Contractor Vaccination Policy can be found
    here: https://sfdhr.org/sites/default/files/documents/COVID-19/COVID-19-Vaccination-Policy.pdf

Fiscal Sponsors

  • Fiscal sponsors must be based in San Francisco.
  • Fiscal Sponsors must be tax-exempt and in good standing with the State of California and under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
  • NEW: Fiscal sponsors must be in good standing with the California Franchise Tax Board. To check or update your status visit: https://webapp.ftb.ca.gov/eletter/?Submit=Check+Status
  • If the applicant/organization plans to work with a fiscal sponsor, a contractual arrangement between the applicant and the fiscal sponsor must be confirmed prior to the San Francisco Arts Commission’s grant application process.
  • Organizations may not act as a fiscal sponsor for employees or artists contracted by that organization; a third-party fiscal sponsor is required.
  • Applicants/organizations cannot retroactively work with or change fiscal sponsorship after a grant application is approved for funding.
  • If an applicant is approved for funding, the fiscal sponsor is the legal grantee and receives the funds on behalf of the applicant who is the subgrantee.
  • The fiscal sponsor/grantee is required to work with the subgrantee to complete and submit financial documentation of the disbursement of funds with the grant’s final report.
  • All funds must be paid to the subgrantee in advance of the final disbursement of the grant.
  • Copyright: If the applicant receives funding, the fiscal sponsor and the applicant must decide who will hold the copyright to any materials or work created during the grant period. This should be discussed in advance of signing the grant agreement, as it includes language regarding copyright.
  • Financials: The applicant organization’s Profit and Loss Statements and Balance Sheets for the two most recently completed fiscal years are required at the time of application and should be provided by the fiscal sponsor for the organization to upload to the online form.
  • The Fiscal Sponsor must be willing and able to meet the requirements associated with receiving funds from the City and County of San Francisco. In order to receive a grant payment from the San Francisco Arts Commission, the organization must become a registered, compliant supplier and meet the City of San Francisco's insurance and business tax requirements. For more information about supplier requirements, visit: https://sfcitypartner.sfgov.org/pages/become-a-supplier.aspx

    Please note: you will only be required to register as a City Supplier if you are approved for funding.
  • An organization awarded a grant pursuant to this application must agree to comply with the requirements of the 38th Supplement to Mayoral Proclamation Declaring the Existence of a Local Emergency (“Emergency Declaration”), dated February 25, 2020, and the Contractor Vaccination Policy for City Contractors issued by the City Administrator (“Contractor Vaccination Policy”), as those documents may be amended from time to time. A copy of the Contractor Vaccination Policy can be found here: https://sfdhr.org/sites/default/files/documents/COVID-19/COVID-19-Vaccination-Policy.pdf


  • Applicants cannot submit more than one application for each SPX project area. 

  • The awarding of funds does not imply that the Arts Commission or any other City agency will produce, exhibit or present the art created. It is the responsibility of the applicant to secure required permits for public presentations or workshops.

  • The granting of funds does not imply that the Arts Commission or any other City agency will produce, exhibit or present the art created. It is the responsibility of the applicant to secure required permits for public presentations or workshops.

Ineligible expenses

Grant funds may not pay for:
  1. Activities outside of San Francisco
  2. Deficit reduction;
  3. Start-up money for new organizations

Categories and Project Descriptions

District numbers can be found at: http://propertymap.sfplanning.org/

1.  District 3 Public Art process for AAPI artwork in Portsmouth Square and Chinatown Public Health Clinic: Support up to $150,000 for a District 3, neighborhood-based arts nonprofit 501(c)(3) to engage a public art community process for monolingual artists and stakeholders for both Portsmouth Square and Chinatown Public Health Clinic

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:
  • ​​​​​Demonstrate at least a ten-year history that is deeply rooted in the AAPI community and be located in San Francisco’s Chinatown.
  • Demonstrate a history of successfully and authentically working with the local community through a collaborative and multi-lingual process.
  • Proposed leadership and partnerships that convey confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.
2.  District 5 Murals and arts-related events in Fillmore, Hayes Valley and Tenderloin neighborhood: Support up to $75,000 for an arts nonprofit organization 501(c)(3) based in District 9 to plan, design, execute two (2) murals in the Western Addition, Hayes Valley, and/or Tenderloin neighborhoods. The organization must have a history of building bridges between property managers and the street art community. Funds should be used to paint art on exterior surfaces and dining parklets under a lead artist’s mentorship with a focus on the BIPOC community.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:
  • The organization’s demonstrated history commissioning murals and transforming walls and alleys into outdoor gallery spaces.
  • Plans to identify exterior surfaces and dining parklets to paint in D5.
  • Proposed leadership and partnerships that convey confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

​3.  District 5: Online, Japanese American Storytelling: Support up to $15,000 for an arts nonprofit organization 501(c)(3) deeply rooted in the Japanese American community with at least a twenty-year history of providing culturally specific arts programming. Funds should be used to support an online gathering of the Japanese and Japanese American community for cultural programming and storytelling.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully executing culturally specific arts and cultural events and/or activities.
  • Demonstrated history of successfully and authentically working with the Japanese American community, as well as the broader diaspora of the Asian American community.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

4.  District 5 Theater in Tenderloin SROs: Support up to $40,000 for an arts nonprofit 501(c)(3) based in SF’s Tenderloin District 5 to support arts-based work and community building for a durational collaboration and multidisciplinary ensemble working in with residents of Single-room-occupancy (SRO) hotels in the Tenderloin.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully and authentically working with residents of the Tenderloin community.
  • Demonstrated history of successfully providing arts programming in dance, theater, and music.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

5.   District 7 Utility Box Mural Installation and Repair: Up to $24,950 in District 7 Community Grants Initiative funds will be used to support a community utility box mural arts project. This will be a collaborative community arts project to create small scale murals and repair existing murals on utility boxes along Ocean Avenue and neighboring streets. The artist or organization will work with community members to develop community-driven digital print installations on the utility boxes which will allow community members to publicly showcase their voices in the city and to engage with the arts where they live.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrate a history of working in a community process.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

6.  District 8 Glen Park Burnside Mural and Tiled Stairway: Support up to $28,000 for the development and execution of mural and tiled stairway project located in the Glen Park/Burnside neighborhood. Funds will be used for completion of the mural and application and/or design fee to initiate the planning for the tile steps.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully and authentically working with neighborhood groups in the planning, development, and execution of murals and public art projects.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

7.  District 8 Community Theater in Castro: Support up to $20,000 for an arts nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that focuses on Queer theater and has existed for over four decades. Funds should be used to support space rental expense.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully producing professional Queer theater.
  • Demonstrated history of authentically working with local Queer artists.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

8.  District 8 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Film Festival: Support up to $50,000 for an arts nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that focuses on and is deeply rooted within the LGBTQ community. Funds should be used to support the production of an LGBTQ film festival.

 Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully providing arts programming in film, designed specifically to target LGBTQ communities.
  • Demonstrated history of successfully and authentically working with the local LGBTQ community.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

9.  District 8 Health and Wellness Theater in Schools: Support up to $75,000 for a theater arts nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a four-decade history providing high-quality youth education programming. The organization must produce work for Queer and allied audiences. Funds should be used to produce performances that educate youth on navigating challenging issues and making choices that will positively impact their lives.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully executing theater arts education in the schools.
  • Demonstrated history of successfully working with youth.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

10. District 8 Mural Restoration: Support for up to $30,000 for an organization with a history of developing and restoring murals. Funds should be used to support the preservation and restoration of up to three (3), existing murals located in District 8.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully working with communities to develop, execute, preserve, and restore murals.
  • Demonstrated history of successfully and authentically working with the local community through a collaborative process.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

11. District 8 Asian Pacific Islander (API) Youth Media and Performance Support up to $25,000 for a nonprofit 501c3 organization dedicated to presenting stories celebrating the Asian American experiences in film, digital media, and television, to support a youth film festival.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully providing arts programming in film that focuses on API themes.
  • Demonstrated history of successfully and authentically working with the local, API youth.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

12. District 10 Create Space for Community Events in District 10: Support for up to $150,000 over two years for space enhancements for community gathering space in city-owned building in District 10 serving the Bayview Hunter’s Point community.

Applicants should address the following withing their proposed project:

  • Demonstrate a history of successfully providing space for community events in the Bayview Hunter’s Point community.
  • A clear plan for the utilization and creation of space that may be used for indoor and/or outdoor events.
  • Proposed leadership and partnerships that convey confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

13. Citywide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Services Support up to $200,000 over two years for capacity building for historical museum focused on LGBTQ history.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully working with communities to research, document and preserve LGBTQ history
  • Demonstrated history of successfully and authentically working with the local, LGBTQ community through a collaborative process.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.
  • A clear plan, which indicates where funds are needed to stabilize and strengthen the organization.

14. Citywide Support for Asian American Artists: Support up to $50,000 for an arts nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization deeply rooted in the Asian American community with at least a twenty-year history of providing culturally specific arts programming. Funds should be used to support programming or increase the sustainability of the organization.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of supporting Asian American artists and executing culturally specific arts and cultural events and/or activities.
  • Demonstrated history of successfully and authentically working with the Asian American community.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

15. Citywide Native American Events Honoring Native American History: Support up to $35,000 for an arts nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with an established history of producing events and working with the local Native American community to highlight the legacy and history of Indigenous Peoples. Funds should be used to support two distinct, free, and accessible art and cultural events to take place on Indigenous Peoples Day on Alcatraz Island.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • Demonstrated history of successfully executing cultural festivals for at least five years.
  • Demonstrated history of successfully and authentically working with the local Native American community.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

16. Citywide Historical Museum: Support up to $50,000 for a nonprofit 501(c)(3) San Francisco museum focused on preserving and exhibiting the history of San Francisco through education and capacity building activities. The organization should have demonstrated experience producing tours, workshops and classes, and special events. Funds should be used to support the development of programs focused on the history of the City of San Francisco.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • The organization or entity’s history and experience producing online programs and in-person walking tours.
  • Demonstrate experience offering educational activities that meet Grade 4 social studies standards.
  • Demonstrate strong leadership and partnerships that conveys confidence that the proposed activities will be successful.

17. Citywide Maya Angelou Celebration: Support up to $50,000 for a nonprofit, arts and cultural 501(c)(3) organization or fiscally sponsored entity to plan three to four free, community events commemorating Maya Angelou. Activities may include gallery shows, workshops and classes, live performances, and special events. Events must take place between April – September 2023. The organization will be responsible for event management, on-site security, and maintenance as applicable. Up to three (3) grants may be awarded. 

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • The organization or entity’s history and experience producing community arts and educational events.
  • A budget that reflects payments to San Francisco-based artists.
  • Demonstrate strong leadership and partnerships that conveys confidence that the proposed activities will be successful.

18. Citywide Night of Ideas Curation:  Support up to $40,000 for a nonprofit arts and cultural 501(c)(3) organization or fiscally sponsored entity to curate performances for the San Francisco Public Library’s Night of Ideas, tentatively scheduled for March 2023. The organization is responsible for partnering with the SF Public Library to curate approximately six (6) short performances for the evening. Performances should be engaging and diverse and may include dance, acrobatics, music, etc.

Applicants should address the following within their proposed project:

  • The organization or entity’s history and experience producing a diverse array of community arts events.
  • A budget that reflects payments to San Francisco-based artists.
  • Demonstrate strong leadership and partnerships that conveys confidence that the proposed activities will be successful.

19. Public Art Trust Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) History Project: Support up to $62,250 to an arts nonprofit that works to collect, preserve, exhibit, and makes accessible to the public materials and knowledge to support and promote understanding of LGBTQ history, culture, and arts. Funds should go to support the selection of artists or art organizations to create an Interpretive Arts project honoring the history of the LGBTQ community in the Mid-Market/Tenderloin neighborhood. The project will encompass performance, visual, and digital art all of which will be presented in a final commemorative event.

Applicant should address the following in their application:

  • Demonstrate a direct and documented connection to the Mid-Market/Tenderloin’s LGBTQ community.
  • Demonstrate a history of exhibitions and an archival collection that addresses the history of the LGBTQ community.
  • Demonstrate a plan that presents details that include outreach, methodology, and the outline of the final project.
  • Proposed leadership conveys confidence that the activities supported through this grant will be successfully executed.

    Insurance Requirements

    Please note: Insurance is NOT required to submit an application; you will only be required to provide insurance if you are approved for funding.

    General Liability or Special Event Insurance: Coverage with limits not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. 

    • CERTIFICATE HOLDER must read “The City & County of San Francisco, 1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102.”
    • Certificates for General Liability and Auto Liability must include an ENDORSEMENT PAGE naming “The City & County of San Francisco, San Francisco Arts Commission, Community Investments, its officers, agents, and employees” as additionally insured. 

    Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance: Coverage with limits not less than one million dollars $1,000,000 each occurrence for Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, including Owned, Non-Owned and Hired auto coverage, as applicable.  

    Sexual Misconduct Insurance: Working with vulnerable populations (minors under 18 years old, elderly over 65 years old, developmentally disabled populations) requires that sexual misconduct insurance be added to the general liability policy in amounts not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. 

    Workers Compensation Insurance: Coverage is required for all organizations that have salaried employees; in statutory amounts, with Employers’ Liability limits not less than $1,000,000 each accident, injury, or illness. 

    • Workers Compensation Insurance is a California State law. 

    A Waiver of Subrogation must be added to the Workers Compensation Insurance, if any work that the grant is funding happens on City-owned or managed property. 

    Professional liability Insurance: Coverage is required from your contractor for professional services related to construction and facility projects, in amounts not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. Please visit the CA Department of Consumer Affairs-Contractors State License Board to confirm your contractor is licensed by the State. https://www.cslb.ca.gov/

    City Permits and Permissions

    If the proposal includes components that require City permits or approval such as publicly installed art, murals, street closures or sound amplification in public space, the organization will be solely responsible for securing the necessary permits, permissions, and approvals. This planning should be reflected in the project timeline.

    • Visual Art Committee Approval for Public Art Projects
      Please note that any art installed with these grant funds on property owned by the City and County of San Francisco or on private property, must be reviewed and approved by the San Francisco Arts Commission starting with the Visual Arts Committee. This applies to murals, public sculpture, and similar projects. It will be the responsibility of the grantee to add this process into their grant plan and budget. Please contact Craig Corpora at craig.corpora@sfgov.org for questions about murals, sculpture, or any other type of public art.

    Panel Evaluation & Scoring Criteria

    Scoring Criteria

    Please be aware each category will have distinct areas to address, which are listed in the aforementioned Categories and Project Descriptions section above. The review panel will assess all applications and will recommend grants for applicants that strongly meet the review criteria below. The panel’s review of applications and required documents is a multi-step process and involves assigning applications to “Fund” or “Not Fund”. Applications must be assigned a “Fund” by the review panel to be recommended for funding. 

    Quality of Proposed Project 

    • Project goals, vision and process are clearly defined; demonstrate clarity and depth of concepts; and are relevant to requirements of the specific grant category.


    • Strength of the impact of the project on the organization and audience(s) and/or community. 
    • Ability to demonstrate the impact and benefits of the project, including qualitative and quantitative results. 

    Application Review

    Funds will be granted based on a review process that includes a review panel comprised of representatives from the San Francisco Arts Commission and other City department staff and/or funding partners. Panelists will review applications and make funding recommendations. Priority will be given to applicants who successfully meet the criteria within each funding category.

    Panel Review Attendance and influence

    SPX panels are not open to the public. Please note, an applicant that is found to have made attempts to influence a panelist in any way will be automatically disqualified.

    Funding Recommendations

    Applications that do not have “Fund” assigned to them will not be eligible for funding. Grant amounts are either the full amount of the grant request or never less than 75 percent of the requested amount.

    Grant amounts may differ from the request amount due to the level of funding available, demand for that funding, and/or the rank an application receives from the peer review panel.

    Funding Approval

    Panel recommendations are subject to the approval of the Arts Commission. Typically, recommendations are first reviewed by the Community Investments Committee and then by the full Commission where they must gain final approval for funding.  

    Grant notifications

    Grant notifications are emailed to the address listed on the application and include instructions about the contracting process and orientation dates.


    Panelists may take notes during their review. You may contact sfac.grants@sfgov.org to request panel comments. Requests are fulfilled in the order they are received.

    What's Coming Up

    Public Meeting

    Executive Committee Meeting

    December 19
    1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

    Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
    Public Meeting

    Community Investments Committee Meeting

    December 18
    1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

    Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
    Public Meeting

    Visual Arts Committee Meeting

    March 19
    2:00 PM to 4:15 PM

    Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online
    Public Meeting

    Civic Design Review Committee Meeting

    March 17
    2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

    Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online