(submission through

For any questions about ACIP-CY, contact Program Officer Liz Ozol at or 415-252-2231.


A translation of this grant application is available upon request; however, only applications in English will be accepted.

Una traducción de esta solicitud de aplicación está disponible a petición; sin embargo, solamente se aceptarán solicitudes en inglés. Favor comunicarse con Kate Patterson-Murphy al 415-252-2229 ó para una traducción al español.


Ang pagsasalin sa Tagalog ng aplikasyon para sa pagkalooban na ito ay makukuha kung hihingilin. Ngunit ang aplikasyon sa Ingles lamang ang aming tatanggapin. Para sa tulong, maaring i-contact si Cece Carpio, 415-252-2217 o



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Important Dates
Information about Artists & Communities in Partnership - Creative Youth
Who Can Apply
Panel Evaluation & Scoring Criteria

Important Dates

Informational Webinar September 5, 2018, 12 NOON
Technical Assistance Workshop
View the schedule of upcoming dates
September 25, 2018, 5 p.m.
Application Due October 31, 2018, 12 NOON PST
Panel Review February 2019
Funding Recommendations April 2019
Commission Approval May 2019
Grant Period July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

Information about Artists & Communities in Partnership - Creative Youth (ACIP-CY)


  • The Artists and Communities in Partnership - Creative Youth Arts Grant (ACIP-CY) provides high quality hands-on creative arts experiences infused with creative youth development principles to historically marginalized youth in San Francisco.
  • This grant supports a partnership between an Artist and/or Arts Organizations and a Youth Organization (school, afterschool program, CBO) to engage in an in-depth project with youth (ages pre-K to transitionally aged youth 18-24).
  • The project may occur during the school year or as intensive summer programming.
  • Applicants seeking funding should propose an arts-based project that incorporates the following Creative Youth Development principles:
    • Youth are engaged in Safe and Healthy Spaces
    • Programs focus on Positive Relationship-Building
    • Programs support and promote the development of skills necessary for success in today’s society such as Critical thinking, Problem solving and Collaboration
    • Programs are Artistically Rigorous and Set High Expectations of youth participants
    • Programs are Asset-Based and help youth to build upon their inherent strengths and talents
    • Programs are Youth-Driven and honor student voice (For example, youth have a significant voice in shaping their projects and the program; youths are involved in decision-making; opportunities exist for youths to partner with adults; etc.)
    • (where applicable) Program approaches and outcomes are Holistic, recognizing a range of youth needs and often integrating with other service providers to create a coordinated community response to those needs.

Applicant categories

Option 1: ARTS ORGANIZATION is lead applicant: Applicant is an arts organization that partners with non-arts community-based organizations in San Francisco that works with youth. The non-arts community-based partners could be a:

  • school
  • school-based afterschool program
  • community-based afterschool program
  • social justice organization
  • community center

This is not a comprehensive list. If you have questions about your non-arts organization’s eligibility, please contact Program Officer Liz Ozol.

Option 2: SCHOOL OR CBO is lead applicant: Lead applicant is a school, afterschool program or community-based organization that partners with an arts organization or an individual artist.

Please note: different entities (CBOs versus public schools) have different requirements that pertain to executing a contract. Please be aware of the requirements for your institution to be the lead applicant as well as the steps required in executing the grant contract.

Alignment with sfac's CULTURAL EQUITY goals

The San Francisco Arts Commission is committed to creating a City where all artists and cultural workers have the freedom, agency and platform to share their stories, art and culture.

Priority funding goes to organizations that are deeply rooted in and reflective of historically marginalized communities. Using both the Cultural Equity Endowment Legislation and the Grantmakers in the Arts’ “Racial Equity: Statement of Purpose,” these communities include: African and African American; Latino/a; Asian and Asian American; Arab; Native American; Pacific Islander; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer; Transgender and Gender Variant People; People with Disabilities; and Women. (SF ADMIN. CODE CHAPTER 68: CULTURAL EQUITY ENDOWMENT FUND. Sec. 68.6. PROJECT GRANTS and

Please note: We recognize that some marginalized communities may not be listed here and encourage applicants to articulate and provide supporting evidence about the marginalization for any community not named above. English learners, special needs students and system-involved youth are examples of communities not named in the legislation. Please also note the legislation pertains to marginalized communities and not fringe artistic disciplines. 

Eligible Request Amount

Up to $20,000. The applicant organization’s two-year average annual operating revenue detailed in the DataArts SFAC Funder Report determines the eligible funding amount. Organizations can request up to 50 percent of their two-year average annual operating revenue.

Applicants must receive an average score of 75 percent or above by the review panel to be considered for funding. Funding will be determined by the availability of funds and is not guaranteed for a score of 75 percent or above.

Native American Arts & Cultural Traditions (NAACT-ACIP-cY)

The Native American Arts & Cultural Traditions (NAACT) category is aligned with ACIP–CY Grants. Applicants are to apply through the applicable grant category, and will be prompted to choose if they would like to apply through NAACT. By choosing this prompt, these applications will be reviewed by a panel of community members that represent the Native American community in the San Francisco Bay Area. Applicants to NAACT-ACIP-CY should clearly substantiate their connection to the Native American community within their narrative responses. Please follow all of the instructions and check the box at the end of the Applicant Information Page to confirm that you would like to be considered under the NAACT-ACIP-CY grant program.

Who Can Apply


  • The applicant organization or fiscal sponsor must be tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
  • The applicant organization (and its fiscal sponsor, if applicable) must be San Francisco-based, and must demonstrate two years of programmatic activity with at least four programmatic San Francisco-based activities since January 2016.
  • The applicant organization’s mission statement must be clearly focused on the development, production, and/or presentation of arts activities, or rooted in empowering communities serving children and youth based in San Francisco.
  • The applicant organization cannot be part of another City agency or department.
  • The organization’s two-year average annual operating budget must not exceed $1.5 million in income (determined by the line: Total Operating Revenues (2-year average) in the DataArts SFAC Funder Report).
    New for Fiscal sponsors: Organizations that exceed the $1.5 million budget cap due to regranting must verify their operational budget without pass-through funds at the time of application. Applicants must upload their most recently completed IRS Form 990.
  • Applicants must not be in default on any grants or loans from: (1) SFAC, (2) other City departments (including, without limitation, the Department of Children, Youth, and their Families; Office of Economic and Workforce Development; Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development; and Grants For The Arts), (3) Northern California Grantmakers Arts Loan Fund; (4) Northern California Community Loan Fund, (5) Community Arts Stabilization Trust; and/or (6) the Center for Cultural Innovation. This default clause was expanded due to the fact that SFAC has a fiduciary relationship with these particular organizations, through either shared City resources or other pooled philanthropic funds.
  • The proposed project must take place in San Francisco between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020.
  • The organization must be willing and able to meet the requirements associated with receiving funds from the City and County of San Francisco. In order to receive a grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission, you must become a registered, compliant supplier (formerly called a vendor) and meet the City of San Francisco's insurance and business tax requirements. For more information about supplier requirements, visit: Please note if you are not already a City supplier, you will only be required to register if you are awarded a grant. Insurance and business tax requirements will be explained and made available upon approval of grant awards.
  • For NAACT ACIP-CY: The organization must have a strong track record and demonstrated leadership that substantiates that they are connected to a Native American* community and engaged in significant programming that is rooted in Native American arts and cultural traditions.
    *Per the Human Rights Commission, Native American is defined as people of indigenous descent from North, Central, and South American heritage as well as Native Hawaiians, Samoans, Marshall Islanders, and the indigenous people of Guam (whether enrolled, federally or nationally recognized or not). All groups indicated are encouraged to apply, but due to limited funds, priority will go to artists that are affiliated and connected to groups falling under the jurisdiction of the United States.


  • ACIP-CY is for programs involving youth. If your intended community is adults, please apply to ACIP-Social Justice (ACIP-SJ).
  • A proposed project cannot receive simultaneous funds from multiple SFAC funding sources; this includes collaborators applying to work on different components of the same project and applying separately.
  • Only one application per organization may be submitted to the Artists and Communities in Partnership - Creative Youth Grant category. An applicant cannot apply to both an ACIP–CY and a NAACT- ACIP-CY. This does not apply to fiscal sponsors who are submitting applications on behalf of different fiscally sponsored projects.
  • Applicants cannot receive funding for two consecutive grant cycles in the ACIP-CY category. All of our grantees are required to sit out for one year after each grant cycle. In addition, they are required to close out a grant before reapplying.
  • The awarding of funds does not imply that the Arts Commission or any other City agency will produce, exhibit, promote or present the art created. It is the responsibility of the applicant to secure a venue, appropriate insurance and any required permits for public presentations or workshops.

ineligible expenses

Grant funds may not pay for:

  1. Activities and events outside of San Francisco;
  2. Deficit reduction;
  3. Start-up money for new organizations;
  4. Planning and development of space (See Creative Space grants).

Project Requirements

  • All projects must contain appropriate community or school partnerships with an artist or arts organization and must submit a joint letter of support signed by both parties at the time of application.
  • The teaching artist featured in the work samples and CV will be the same person committed to implement the proposed project.
  • Arts organization or artist applicant demonstrates a two-year history of working in this (or similar) community. It is recommended that the teaching artist is from, or reflective of, the communities they are working with.
  • All projects must incorporate Creative Youth Development principles. (page 2)
  • The intended youth community must be actively engaged in the artistic and creative process. ACIP-CY is not for artists to create work about a youth community but rather to engage the youth community as active creators in the work.
  • Project includes at least one event that is a demonstration of learning.
  • Teaching artists paid a comprehensive living wage for the project, including prep and meeting time, as well as contact time with students. 
  • Every student must receive at least 15 hours of instruction and related activities with teaching artist, but deeper partnerships and sustained engagements with young people are recommended.
  • Teaching Artist’s ability to commit to attend three out of four 2-hour paid professional learning meetings from 6-8 pm on the second Monday of the months of November 2018, January, March, May 2019.

Partnership Requirements

CBO/school commits to:

  • Designate and support a site representative who attends two joint meetings per year (beginning and mid-project); establish relevant policies and procedures; provide oversight and communication; troubleshoot as issues arise; and provide support for data collection, events, and evaluation.
  • Provide, at minimum, a classroom or other appropriate space to the teaching artist for workshop hours and a place to securely store supplies.
  • Follow all California licensing requirements to ensure student safety.
  • City Permits and Permissions: If the proposal includes components that require City permits or approval such as publicly installed art, street closures, sound amplification in public space, or murals, the applicant will be solely responsible for securing the necessary permits, permissions, and approvals. This planning should be reflected in your project timeline.

grantee Requirements

  • City Permits and Permissions: If the proposal includes components that require City permits or approval such as publicly installed art, street closures, sound amplification in public space, or murals, the applicant will be solely responsible for securing the necessary permits, permissions, and approvals. This planning should be reflected in your project timeline.
  • Insurance Requirements:
    General Liability: Awarded grantees will need to submit a certificate of General Liability Insurance and an Endorsement Page with first invoice. General liability insurance cannot be waived. This requirement can met by the following:
    • Purchasing General Liability Insurance as an individual artist or organization.
    • Purchasing Special Event Insurance for any public events associated with the grant project.
    • Obtaining a General Liability Insurance certificate from their host venue, which adds the grantee and event to their policy by endorsement and lists the San Francisco Arts Commission as additionally insured.

Workers Comp Insurance: Workers Comp insurance is required for an organization that has employees. If you do not have employees, the San Francisco Arts Commission will provide a waiver for this requirement.

NEW: Waiver of Subrogation addendum is required for organizations to do work on ANY City-owned property.

Auto Insurance: Auto Insurance is required if the awarded grantee will use a vehicle for the purposes of the grant. The San Francisco Arts Commission will provide a waiver for this requirement.

Abuse and Molestation Insurance: Proof of Abuse & Molestation coverage in addition to General Liability coverage is required for working with vulnerable populations (minors, people with disabilities, or elderly people).

  • Art Installation: Please note that any art installed with these grant funds on property owned by the City and County of San Francisco or on private property, must be reviewed and approved by the San Francisco Arts Commission starting with the Visual Arts Committee of the Commission. This applies to murals, public sculpture, and similar projects. It will be the responsibility of the grantee to build this process into their grant plan and timeline. Please contact the following Public Art Program staff if you have questions: Alyssa Torres at for murals; Aleta Lee at for sculpture or any other type of public art.

Panel Evaluation & Scoring Criteria

Grants Panelists

A panel of peers reviews ACIP-CY applications in an open panel review process. Grant review panelists reflect the diversity of San Francisco; have broad knowledge about the particular artistic discipline and field issues and have experience that aligns with the purpose of the specific grant category.

Panel Review Attendance

The ACIP-CY panel meetings are open to the public. A time schedule of each panel meeting is emailed to applicants in advance. Please be sure that you include a working email address in your application materials. Take steps to ensure that emails from SFAC are not lost in your spam filter. Applicants are welcome to observe the meetings, but may not engage in discussion with the panelists or SFAC staff during the panel. Many applicants find it insightful to listen to the discussions of applications because the panelists are seasoned professionals. An applicant that attempts to influence a panelist in any way will be disqualified.

Funding Recommendations

Based on an evaluation of the proposals, panelist scores create a ranking for funding recommendations. Panelists will evaluate and rank proposals in three distinct budget categories: organizations with budgets under $150,000; organizations with budgets between $150,000 and $400,000; and organizations with budgets between $400,000 and $1.5 million. Funding recommendations will be determined within each budget category. Applicants that do not score above 75 percent of the allotted points will not be eligible for funding. Grant amounts are either the full amount of the grant sought or a substantial portion of the requested grant—and never less than 75 percent.

Scoring Criteria

Panelists will be instructed to use the following scoring criteria that correspond with the noted application questions. Close review of this grid may help you focus your application responses.





Alignment with SFAC's Cultural Equity Goals (15 points)


The applicant demonstrates a thorough understanding of communities served and intentionality for serving those communities, and has a sound strategy for meeting the needs of the communities they serve.

-Who does your organization engage and why? (describe staff, volunteers, audience, clients as relevant)

- How does your organization meet the needs of the communities you serve?

(This question must be answered by both parties – the lead applicant and their collaborating partner)

5 Talks about youth demographics, describes community’s assets and challenges, clearly explains how group is from historically marginalized community.

-Describe the youth population that you propose to work with.

-Provide demographic data and relevant information.

-What are their assets?

-What are their challenges?

Artistic History
(25 points)
5 Demonstrated commitment to the organization’s mission through artistic or youth programs. Confidence in the organization’s ability to carry out the proposed project successfully.

- Describe your organization’s history and highlight major accomplishments that are relevant to the proposed project.

- Complete the San Francisco Activities table

- Work samples

10 Teaching Artist shows focused commitment to artistic practice. Work samples demonstrate originality, clarity, and depth of concepts.

-Teaching Artist describes artistic practice.

-Work samples, CV.

10 Applicant demonstrates experience working with youth (long term, in-depth, developmentally appropriate; gives concrete examples).

-Evidence of Teaching Artist experience working with youth

-Work samples, CV

Quality of Proposed Project

(35 points)


Project description is clear and includes short and long-term outcomes including CYD goals as well as goals of artistic exposure, youth engagement, skill development and creative application.

Authentic integration of Creative Youth Development principles.

-Describe proposed project including the artistic activities that will occur and a clear timeline. 

-Describe how will you engage, and make the project relevant, to youth?

- How are CYD principles be infused in this project?


Sample unit is engaging, creative, reflects CYD principles, and is developmentally appropriate.

- Sample unit


Grant plan includes:

Student event at site;

recruitment strategies as appropriate; high number hours for student engagement, and sufficient preparation time.

- Grant plan

Ability to Complete the Project

(10 points)


Budget plan includes: high number of hours with students, strong artist compensation, room for collaboration and creativity.

Confidence in the key personnel to work with the targeted community and meet the goals.

Applicant is fiscally healthy.

- Budget & Budget notes

- Key Personnel - Provide bios for the project team and their relevant experience and qualifications working with the target community.

- DataArts SFAC Funder’s Report and Notes or

- If lead applicant is non-arts CBO or school, financial statements including the past two years’ Income Statement, Profit and Loss, and Balance Sheet


Demonstrable impact and benefits of the project, including qualitative and quantitative results.

- Evaluation Plan

- What will youth know and be able to do? How will you know?

- What are other impacts and benefits of the project? How will you know?

Panel Notes

SFAC staff takes notes on panel comments during deliberations. You may contact to obtain panel comments.

Funding Approval

Panel recommendations are subject to the approval of the Arts Commission. Typically, recommendations are first reviewed by the Community Investments Committee, then by the full Commission. Meetings of the Commission are public. The agenda will be available on the Arts Commission website at 72 hours in advance of the meeting.

Grant Awards

Notifications will be emailed. Award notification will include instructions about contracting procedures.


What's Coming Up

Public Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting

December 19
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Community Investments Committee Meeting

December 18
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Visual Arts Committee Meeting

March 19
2:00 PM to 4:15 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online
Public Meeting

Civic Design Review Committee Meeting

March 17
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online