All artists are selected for projects through a competitive, transparent process. Typically, a Selection Panel will screen all applications to make sure they meet the minimum qualifications:
- Application is complete and submitted on time
- The artwork submitted reflects basic professional quality of craftsmanship, mastery of skills and techniques, professional approaches to processes and presentation, and communication of a unique vision or perspective
- The artist’s resume demonstrates professional competence (education, exhibit history, previous commissions, residency programs)
- The Panel will then review the applications that meet the minimum qualifications and score them on the following criteria: artistic excellence, appropriate for public space, and professional experience
For more information about our selection process, please see the Public Art Guidelines.
Applications for public art projects are only accepted through SlideRoom.
To ensure you are putting your best foot forward in your application, please read through and consider the following tips.
Step by Step
Step by Step
Letter of Interest - keep it simple
- Do not make a specific proposal unless the call specifically asks for one!
- Your letter should be one page maximum
- Summary of your interest/practice as an artist (3-4 sentences)
- Career highlights (awards, important exhibits, etc.;) list no more than 3 or 4
- Summary of past or current experience that may relate to the skills or experience needed for this project
- If you are collaborating with another artist address the reason for the collaboration
- If you have never done a permanent work, address how you might translate your work into permanent materials
Resume - keep it simple
- SlideRoom requires that you copy and paste your resume into their online software. Please keep formatting simple in your original document as only basic formatting will be saved
- If you are applying as a team, please include your team/studio resume. If that is not available, please combine the individual resumes (one right after the other) of each team member into one document.
Picking the best image for your application
- Pick your strongest work and start with a striking image
- Submit only images of work for which you are the original creative artist
- Do not include text in your slides or compile multiple images within one slide
- Do not include more than two images of the same work
- Select work that has been completed; not proposals
- Do not submit a specific proposal for the site
How to describe your images
- Include a brief description of each project
- What is the project about?
- What other information does the panel need to know in order to understand the work?
(Site info, context, references, etc.) - Do not include links to websites to explain the project further