2018-2019 Preliminary Panel Scores

Image courtesy of Litquake
If you missed an application review panel, you can see the preliminary panel scores below. Applicants with scores of 75 percent and above will be eligible for funding. Funding recommendations are based upon available funds and will be determined on Monday, May 6, 2019 at 1:00 PM at the Full Arts Commission Meeting.
Panel Notes: SFAC staff takes notes on panel comments during deliberations. You may contact sfac.grants@sfgov.org to obtain panel comments. We will accept requests up to six months after the date of the panel.
FY2018-2019 Artistic Legacy Grant (ALG) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Artists & Communities in Partnership-Creative Youth (ACIP-CY) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Artists & Communities in Partnership-Social Justice (ACIP-SJ) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Creative Space (CRSP) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Cultural Equity Initiatives (CEI) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Individual Artist Commissions-Literary Arts (IAC-Literary) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Individual Artist Commissions-Media (IAC-Media) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Individual Artist Commissions-Visual Arts (IAC-Visual) Preliminary Scores (Day 1)
FY2018-2019 Individual Artist Commissions-Visual Arts (IAC-Visual) Preliminary Scores (Day 2)
FY2018-2019 Individual Artist Commissions-Visual Arts (IAC-Visual) Preliminary Scores (Day 3)
FY2018-2019 Native American Arts & Cultural Traditions (NAACT) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Organization Project Grants-Dance (OPG-Dance) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Organization Project Grants-Literary Arts and Theater (OPG-Literary/Theater) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Organization Project Grants-Visual Arts, Music and Media (OPG-VMM) Preliminary Scores
FY2018-2019 Writerscorp Teaching Artist in Residence (WCTAIR) Preliminary Scores
*Date of Community Investments Committee Meeting is subject to change.