1:00 PM Welcome & Introductions
1:05 PM Overview of Terminal 3 West Modernization Integrated Wall Public Art Opportunities
1:30 PM Overview of Review Panel and Scoring Process
1:45 PM Review of Terminal 3 West Integrated Wall Opportunities Semi-Finalists
Members of the Airport Art Steering Committee will attend this meeting in remotely. Members of the public are invited to observe the meeting remotely online at:
The San Francisco Arts Commission is committed to open government. Any member of the public is welcome to attend our meetings and provide public comment.
Community Investments Committee meetings are held the fourth Tuesday on even-numbered months at 1 p.m., and generally last for about two hours. If the scheduled date falls on a holiday, the meeting will usually be rescheduled to the following or preceding week.
The San Francisco Arts Commission is committed to open government. Any member of the public is welcome to attend our meetings and provide public comment.
Community Investments Committee meetings are held the fourth Tuesday on even-numbered months at 1 p.m., and generally last for about two hours. If the scheduled date falls on a holiday, the meeting will usually be rescheduled to the following or preceding week.
The San Francisco Arts Commission is committed to open government. Any member of the public is welcome to attend our meetings and provide public comment.
Community Investments Committee meetings are held the fourth Tuesday on even-numbered months at 1 p.m., and generally last for about two hours. If the scheduled date falls on a holiday, the meeting will usually be rescheduled to the following or preceding week.