For Nonprofits
San Francisco keeps the arts alive by investing in the success of its local arts nonprofits.

The City's robust grant programs nurture the continuing growth of its vibrant and diverse arts nonprofits.

Arts Commission grantee Joe Goode Performance. Photo by Margo Moritz.

Other City agencies that offer grant funding for arts nonprofits include the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, the Department of Children, Youth & Their Families, and the Community Challenge Grant Program. See our list of non-city funding sources.

Is your nonprofit facing eviction or a rent increase? San Francisco-based nonprofits facing a rent increase or displacement, may be eligible for technical or financial assistance through the City and County of San Francisco’s Nonprofit Displacement Mitigation Program. Nonprofits in the program have benefited from lease extensions and negotiations, short-term rental subsidies and tenant improvement funds, and are often among the first to hear about new below-market real estate opportunities. For more information, contact:

Lex Leifheit
Nonprofit Business Development Manager
Office of Economic & Workforce Development
(415) 554-6959

We also recommend reaching out to the following organizations who specialize in assisting arts nonprofits in resolving real estate issues and finding affordable long-term spaces.

What's Coming Up

Public Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting

December 19
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Community Investments Committee Meeting

December 18
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Visual Arts Committee Meeting

March 19
2:00 PM to 4:15 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online
Public Meeting

Civic Design Review Committee Meeting

March 17
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online