Press Room

What's new with the Commission?

Here you will find the Arts Commission's logo, press releases, current and archived news, including information about past exhibitions. Stay informed and on top of breaking news by signing up for our press list.

May 20 2019
SAN FRANCISCO, May 20, 2019 – The San Francisco Arts Commission announces the completion of a new large-scale, site-specific public art project by Johanna Grawunder at San Francisco International Airport...
May 15 2019
SAN FRANCISCO – For the San Francisco Arts Commission’s latest Art on Market Street Poster Series, Bay Area artist Kate Rhoades illustrates the City’s best-known urban legends in an attempt...
May 14 2019
A closing party on May 18 will mark the successful run of Charles Gadeken’s 50-foot LED light sculpture, SQUARED, which will be replaced by Dana Albany’s Tara Mechani on June...

What's Coming Up

Public Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting

December 19
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Community Investments Committee Meeting

December 18
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Visual Arts Committee Meeting

March 19
2:00 PM to 4:15 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online
Public Meeting

Civic Design Review Committee Meeting

April 21
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online